My God is a God of miracles.
Faith like a child:
"Then he said, 'I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matthew 18:3)
Wisdom like the aged:
"Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" (Job 12:12)
Throughout the days I have been present on this earth I have experienced countless works of the Lord. Living by faith, I continually see His hand in movement, and with knowledge I can discern the truths behind His hand.

A Christmas miracle was the next work that stands out in my mind. Christmas is for many the best time of the year. Children count down the weeks until the celebration of Jesus' birth. The day of unwrapping gifts, singing carols, and reading the Christmas story. For those without money however, it is not a day that is looked forward to. It is a day dreaded for parents wanting to give their children everything, but having nothing. That is where we found ourselves in the winter of 2005.
The first time reality crashed in, was when the house my dad had been working at was broken into and all of his tools were stolen. This loss cost us over $1,500. It was a devastating hit. We trusted the Lord and prayed His will would be done, but I know this was a curve ball my parents would have rather missed. A few days later however a check came in the mail covering nearly all of Dad's losses. We had told no one, but God knew and He had seen to our provision.

Out of the shiny, red, pick-up truck came a smiling, large, middle-aged, man with a white beard. He was in no costume but he looked uncannily like Santa Clause. He asked what our address was, and must have liked what we said, for he motioned us to the back of his truck, lifted off the cover, and there covering his entire bed were overflowing groceries! God had sent us an angel. We all began to unload and search through this plunder. He had bought exactly the same brands we used to get. He brought us Krispy Kreme doughnuts, just like my recently passed great-grandfather had brought with every visit. Yet the most amazing thing was when he pulled a huge barrel of wheat berries out. They were the exact same kind my mother used to make her bread. To understand the severity of what this meant, you must know that the only way to get this wheat was to order it online. This man had pre-ordered it for us. He told us God had told Him to give all of these things to us. My mom and dad began telling him the difficulties we had been having, and what this meant to us. As tears streamed down my mother's face we all thanked him. He would forever become known as our "Santa Clause."
Looking back I am brought to tears at not only the miracle of God's power, but the willingness of this man to listen to the Lord's voice, despite the oddity of it. Ever since that day I have been learning to pray boldly and believed with all my heart. Not that God is some fairy godmother who grants all wishes, but that He is my Father and He truly does love and love to care for His children. He cares for His sheep. He sent His son as the greatest miracle 2,000 years ago. God has offered to us the bread of life in which we will never grow hungry. I notice His hand often now and I try to listen to His voice, despite how absurd or unusual what He may ask seems to me. I know that He cares, that He loves us, and that His ways our higher then our own. He may allow us to walk through many difficult trails but He will never, ever, leave us nor forsake us.
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