Who am I? If I told you all of my life's story at once, it would be difficult to comprehend. My years have been jam packed. So I will tell it slowly over the course of this blog, starting nearly at the beginning...
I grew up in a loving Christian home. With my Dad being a Pastor I knew what being a Christian was from the beginning, or at least so I thought...
{Little Baby Us}
I was born in Bristol, Tennessee, and I lived there for the first seven years of my life. It was at the age of seven that my parents decided it was best to move my three siblings and I to Burlington, North Carolina. I was terribly excited. My Dad was becoming the co-pastor of a large church there. This was not the first time he had pastored a church, but hopefully this would be where the Lord would keep us. As much as I was excited, I was also absolutely
not. My little brain could see entirely no reason why this move was necessary. Everything I had come to know was in Tennessee; my house, my church, dance, my grandparents, close friends, literally everything. I was scared and it seemed as though I had no where to turn.

It came down to the last couple of weeks before we were to move. I lay in my bed like every other
normal night, but this night would not be the same. Though I hardly dared to admit it to myself I knew something was going on, something that was out of my control. I could not fall asleep. I was filled with an overpowering fear. I thought I was going to die due to this effect, and what if I did? What then? My mind was racing. This matter could not wait until morning. Something had to be done this instant, before I had a heart attack and died. Questions swarmed through my mind, questions about God, and questions about how much trouble I would get in for getting up. I told myself this was worth it. I got out of bed and walked down the hall towards the den where voices drifted quietly through the doorway. I stood in the doorway unarmed and completely vulnerable. I was immediately met with the most dreadful eyes. They had heard me coming. I was scared out of my skin for a moment, but my parents invited me in and asked why I was up. It was as if they knew this night was the night I needed their reception the most. I told them I had some questions I was wondering about. I told them my thoughts, and they talked long and hard answering each and every question I had. They talked about the things Jesus had done for me, and why they were so important. I had a weight on me that was absolutely incomparable, it made me literally fear for my life. That night it was lifted, and I knew my life was eternal. That night I asked Jesus to forever be in my heart, to be my Lord and Savior. It was Him who I would follow all the days of my life. I was baptized by my daddy one week before we moved.
I have never been happier in my entire life.
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